by Edward F. Mrkvicka Jr.
Beginning of book? It starts out talking about forgiveness and wiping the slate clean. Says we are lazy and giving in to the ways of the world.Purpose for writing book? The author wants us to change. Go back to God's ways. To forgive only, when people truly repent.Kind of book? The book would be ...
Problem in book, solved? The problem was people aren't being told the all the right information. Not reading all scripture. The church is conforming to worldly ways. The foundation has been shattered. It hasn't been solved.Where did story take place? The story was about the bible. The places Je...
Able to connect with main character and why? I was able to connect with the author. He was factual. Based all his views from scripture.What were the main themes of the book? It was about religion. The bible and it's teachings. The author executed his ideas well. Time period? The book is based o...
Structure? It was told in parables, just like the bible.Did the cover and title represent book well? The cover and title represented forgiveness.Content, setting, theme? All content was pulled from the bible or his personal experiences.Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the autho...
Summarize book? The book was about how the church has changed to accommodate the ways of the world. How forgiveness shouldn't be given if the person doesn't repent. It's about all the people that will end up in hell, whether they are saved or not. It's a lot to think about. He gives a lot of new...
Things I liked and didn't like about the book? I liked most of his views. He based it all on scripture. He was old school. Some of it was a bit hard to follow.Did description relate to story? The description fit the book.Recommend book and why? I would recommend this book. He answered some ques...
Who will read? I think everyone should read this. It has a different outlook than I've ever heard before.What author was trying to do? He wants to educate us. He wants to save us from ourselves.Hope in the end? I don't know if there's a lot of hope. Our world is in a terrible shape. No prayer in...