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The Twelve Nights of Christmas (Harlequin Presents Extra) - Community Reviews back

by Sarah Morgan
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BKHorne rated it 10 years ago
This was cute and fun and very holiday-esque. It is a Harlequin Presents title, which, I've learned from the gals over at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books means it has it's own special set of rules. As long as you know that to expect from a title like this: a dashing billionaire, a down-on-her-luck heroi...
Danielle's Reading Adventures
Danielle's Reading Adventures rated it 10 years ago
The Twelve Nights of Christmas is the feel-good kind of romance that a reader can pull off the shelf when they want an easy read that will infuse them with Christmas good vibrations. I endorse it with a four star rating.Why?Well, it's simple. The storyline is easy to follow, the characters are well-...
Vanessa Jaye's Book Daze
Vanessa Jaye's Book Daze rated it 14 years ago
I really enjoyed this book. The tone of it was fresh and mondern. So much so, for the first part of it, it could have passed for a Carrie-centric/Carrie-only episode of SITC. I also love the way the usual trite tropes where used/presented. Not that anything was turned on its head, just that, again, ...
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