An unknown site visitor tipped us off today about a new petition making the rounds. Thanks for that. A chick "thinks" Amazon should change their return policy of books from seven days to 24 hours only. Hint when you start a petition, don´t do it because you simply "think" something is a good idea. Anyway, Chrissy doesn´t make clear why this should be about books only. I am also not sure what "many people" exactly means. She is rather silent on those issues.
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One reason to sign the petition is that writers can´t make money because of Amazon´s return policy, well, according to Sarah anyway. I guess someone has to tell all those H.M. Wards, Liliana Harts or anyone else who makes a decent living from selling their books. Well, doing that now.
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Chrissy is also rather silent on another issues. Does she want Amazon to change their policy for US based customers only? For US based authors only? What does she
think? This I do not know, and I suspect none of the so far 1003 whiners who get their panties in a twist either. Coz there is this tiny little problem, mainly that there are EU laws which require a seven day "cooling off" period where any customer can cancel their online purchase, with some exceptions, of non-faulty goods without any reason at all. * Of course the mighty `Zon has to follow US-laws first and foremost, but since they are doing business in the EU they also have to abide by those laws. Or any country in which they are operating as a global concern, obviously.
Also Amazon is collecting a gazillion data of anyone. Which books I look at, and for how long, which books I purchase and which ones I don´t. If their data suggests something will increase customer satisfaction and something will lead to more sales they will do that. Not because someone "thinks" something, or did not like her breakfast or didn´t sleep well.
A dumbed down version via:
Returning Unwanted Goods
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* Note: this is by no means legal advice by moi.