Walter Moers
Birth date: May 24, 1957
Walter Moers's Books
I had a true love/hate experience reading this book. Full disclosure, I have not read the other books in this series, and I probably won't. I read this for a book club with the understanding that the book could stand alone, and I suppose it did. There were numerous times I almost quit. The first o...
Das Buch wurde mir wärmstens empfohlen, ja beinah aufgenötigt. Du kennst das nicht? Das musst du lesen! Okay, okay. Im nächsten Buchladen gehe ich auf die Suche nach Moers. Das Labyrinth der träumenden Bücher. Die Stadt der träumenden Bücher. Naja, nehm ich halt gleich beide mit. Ich weiß nicht, was...
It's been awhile since I enjoyed a book as much as I enjoyed The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear. From start to finish, it was an imaginative romp through a fantastic land full of creatures with names that would make Roald Dahl weep with pride. The main character, Bluebear, describes the first half...
The moment I opened this book (and yes I know I say this a lot) I knew that I would love this book from the first page. My dear readers, did you, like me, never want this book to end? I wanted it to be longer. I savored it, took my time...but at the same time, I was reading pages whenever I had the...