Wrong email address or username
Wrong email address or username
Incorrect verification code
User class Register (for mobile)
Registration of new users.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/user/register
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, id_user, usr_tokem, usr_username, usr_email, usr_domain, usr_photo, usr_blog_title, usr_blog_desc, usr_following_count, usr_followed_count, usr_book_count
Parameters Description
key application key
email e-mail of new user
username username of new user
password password of new user

Logging into BookLikes

URL: booklikes.com/user/login?key=[app_key]&redirect_url=[redirect_url]
Method: GET
Response: redirect
Returns fields: usr_key, uid
Parameters Description
key application key
redirect_url url, na który nastapi przekierowanie po zalogowaniu

Login (for mobile)
Logging into BookLikes (for mobile)

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/user/login
Method: POST
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, id_user, usr_tokem, usr_username, usr_email, usr_domain, usr_photo, usr_blog_title, usr_blog_desc, usr_following_count, usr_followed_count, usr_book_count
Parameters Description
key application key
email e-mail of new user
password password for new user

This method returns information about user.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/user/GetUserInfo
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, id_user, usr_username, usr_email, usr_domain, usr_photo, usr_blog_title, usr_blog_desc, usr_following_count, usr_followed_count, usr_book_count
Parameters Description
key application key - required
username username - optional
usr_token user token - optional
uid user id - optional

GetUserCategories (shelves)
This method returns information about user’s shelves.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/user/GetUserCategories
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, id_user, id_category, category_name, category_book_count
Parameters Description
key application key - required
usr_token user token - optional
uid user id - optional

This method is responsible for adding shelf.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/user/AddUserCategory
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, id_category, category_name
Parameters Description
key application key - required
usr_token user token - required
CatName shelf name - required

This method returns user’s followers.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/user/GetUserFollowers
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, count, id_user, usr_username, usr_domain, usr_photo
Parameters Description
key application key - required
usr_token user token - optional
uid user id - optional
Page page
PerPage number of elements on page

This method returns user’s Following.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/user/GetUserFollowings
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, count, id_user, usr_username, usr_domain, usr_photo
Parameters Description
key application key - required
usr_token user token - optional
uid user id - optional
Page page
PerPage number of elements on page

Book class GetUserBooks
This method returns information about user’s books.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/book/GetUserBooks
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, book_count, id_book, book_title, book_author, book_cover, book_isbn_10, book_isbn_13, book_format, book_pages, book_publisher, book_publish_date, book_language
Parameters Description
key application key - required
usr_token user token - optional
uid user id - optional
BookIsWish 0 is when book is not on wihslist shelf; 1 is when book is on wishlist shelf
Favourite 0 is when book is not on favorite shelf; 1 is when book is on favorite shelf
Cat shelf id
BookStatus (read | currently | planing) - book status
Page page
PerPage number of elements on page
BookUserRating rating by user

This method returns information of currently reading page for given book.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/book/GetPageCurrent
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, id_book, book_page_max, book_page_currently
Parameters Description
key application key - required
usr_token user token - optional
uid user id - optional
bid book id - required

This method sets currently reading page for a specific book.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/book/SetPageCurrent
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, id_book, book_page_max, book_page_currently
Parameters Description
key application key - wymagany
usr_token user token - wymagany
bid book id - required
PageCurrently current page - required
PageMax overall number of book pages-required

This method adds book to shelf.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/book/AddBookToShelf
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: status, message
Parameters Description
key application key - required
usr_token user token - required
bid book id - required
BookIsWish book is added to whishlist
Favourite book is added as favorite
Cat shelf id
BookStatus (read | currently | planing) sets book status
PageMax overall number of book pages
PageCurrent number of read pages
BookUserRating rating
Private book is added as private

This method returns search book results.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/book/SearchBooks
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: id_book, book_title, book_author, book_publisher, book_publish_date, book_isbn_10, book_isbn_13, book_pages, book_cover, book_language
Parameters Description
key application key
lng language
q keyword

Post class GetUserPosts
This method returns user’s posts.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/post/GetUserPost
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields: id_post, id_user, post_type, post_title, post_url, post_desc, post_spcial, post_source, post_like_count, post_reblog_count, post_tag, photo_url (if it's in the post), photo_caption (if it's in the post), post_is_review, post_rating, post_date
Parameters Description
key application key
usr_token user token
uid user id

This methods creates post.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/post/PostCreate
Method: POST
Response: JSON
Returns fields: id_post, id_user, post_type, post_title, post_url, post_desc, post_spcial, post_source, post_like_count, post_reblog_count, post_tag, photo_url (if it's in the post), photo_caption (if it's in the post), post_is_review, post_rating, post_date
Parameters Description
key application key
usr_token user token
PostType (text | url | photo | video | quote) - type of post
PostTitle post title
PostText post
PostBooks book ids divided with commas
PostQuoteText quote
PostTags tags divided with commas
PostPhotoUrl [array] url to Photo post
PostPhotoUrlCaption [array] image description
PostPhotoFile [file] array of files with images
PostPhotoFileCaption [array] description to files with images
PostLinkUrl link to Post URL
PostVideoUrl link to Video Post
PostIsReview 0 if post is not review; 1 if post is a review
PostRevRating rating stars 1-5
PostSource post link source

This method deletes post.

URL: booklikes.com/api/v1_05/post/PostDelete
Method: GET
Response: JSON
Returns fields:
Parameters Description
key application key
usr_token user token
pid post id

Contact us with any questions at developers@booklikes.com
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