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review 2019-04-30 10:13
Freudenfest der Diversität
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet - Becky Chambers

Ich liebe ungewöhnliche Veröffentlichungsgeschichten. Becky Chambers Danksagung in ihrem Debütroman „The long way to a small, angry planet” zauberte mir deshalb ein entzücktes Lächeln ins Gesicht. Sie berichtet darin von der Kickstarter-Kampagne, ohne die sie ihr Buch nicht hätte veröffentlichen können. Wildfremde Menschen griffen ihr 2012 finanziell unter die Arme, damit sie „The long way“ fertigschreiben und im Selfpublishing 2014 auf dem Markt bringen konnte. Ist das nicht wundervoll? Seitdem nahm ihre Karriere als Autorin kräftig Fahrt auf; aus dem Debüt wurde die Trilogie „Wayfarers“. Bei mir landete der Science-Fiction-Roman, weil mich der Titel einfach neugierig machte.


Als Rosemary Harper alle Brücken hinter sich verbrannte, war sie gründlich. Sie wollte so weit weg, wie nur möglich – was läge näher, als auf einem Raumschiff anzuheuern? Die Wayfarer ist allerdings nicht ganz das, was sie erwartet hatte. Die Crew steht ständig kurz davor, komplett im Chaos zu versinken und das Schiff selbst… nun, die Bezeichnung „Schrottkiste“ würde wohl ihre Gefühle verletzen. Kaum zu glauben, dass die Wayfarer regelmäßig engagiert wird, um Löcher ins All zu bohren. Dennoch findet Rosemary inmitten des wilden Haufens verschiedener Spezies, wonach sie sich sehnte: ein Heim und echte Freundschaft. Ihr Glück scheint perfekt, als der Crew der Auftrag ihres Lebens angeboten wird. Sie sollen einen Hyperspace-Tunnel zu einem weit entfernten kleinen Planeten errichten. Gelingt es ihnen, haben sie ausgesorgt. Leider gibt es einen gewaltigen Haken. Der betreffende Planet ist dauerhaftes Kriegsgebiet und Rosemary ist besorgt, dass sie ihr dunkelstes Geheimnis auf der langen, riskanten Reise nicht verbergen kann. Doch auf ihrem abenteuerlichen Weg durch die gefährlichen, verwirrenden Weiten des interstellaren Raums lernt Rosemary, dass manche Verbrechen vergeben werden können – und andere nicht.


Ich bin reiner Science-Fiction gegenüber noch immer skeptisch. Es wird langsam besser, aber mein Vorurteil, dass ich mit diesem Genre Schwierigkeiten habe, ist so fest in meinem Kopf verankert, dass ich vor jedem neuen Vertreter Sorge habe, dass mir das Buch nicht gefallen könnte. Die Zweifel hätte ich mir bei „The long way to a small, angry planet” sparen können. Der Trilogieauftakt ist fantastisch! Spannend, emotional mitreißend und nicht zu technisch. Für Hardcore-Fans ist er vermutlich etwas zu weichgespült, für eine Leserin wie mich, die sich vorsichtig in das weite Feld der Science-Fiction vorwagt, ist er hingegen die absolut perfekte Lektüre. Die Geschichte lebt von ihren Charakteren. Becky Chambers veranstaltet ein Freudenfest der Diversität und präsentiert tolerant und einfühlsam einen bunten Strauß verschiedener Spezies, die sich äußerlich, sprachlich und kulturell stark unterscheiden. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Crew der Wayfarer, die ihren Lebensunterhalt damit verdient, intergalaktische Tunnel ins All zu bohren. Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob der wissenschaftliche Ansatz dieser Bohrungen fundiert ist. Für mich klang er überzeugend und plausibel. Ihr neuster, heikler Auftrag stammt von der Regierung, für die sie einen Tunnel zu dem rohstoffreichen, doch kriegerischen Planeten Hedra Ka installieren sollen. Gier ist also noch immer die Triebfeder der Wirtschaftspolitik der Zukunft. Die politische Ebene der Geschichte findet allerdings eher hintergründig statt; sie beeinflusst das Zusammenleben der Spezies und ist die Initialzündung für die spannende Reise der Wayfarer, wird jedoch eher am Rande und selten explizit thematisiert. Für die Reise selbst gilt das Motto „Der Weg ist das Ziel“, denn sie bietet mit ihren aufregenden Stationen den Rahmen für die emotionalen Erlebnisse der Figuren, durch die die Leser_innen die berauschende Vielfalt in Chambers Universum kennenlernen. Ich spürte, wie viel Freude die Autorin daran hatte, das Verhältnis der Spezies zu untersuchen und zu erforschen, welche Konzepte als menschlich gelten. Was empfinden Menschen als akzeptabel und wie reagieren wir, wenn wir mit anderen Lebens- und Beziehungsentwürfen konfrontiert werden? Ich fand diese Fragen im Kontext des speziellen Worldbuildings hochinteressant, weil Menschen in „The long way“ keine dominante Spezies sind und eher geduldet als geschätzt werden. Dadurch sind die Reaktionen anderer Völker auf menschliche Eigenarten äußerst faszinierend, die natürlich gerade im beengten Raum der Wayfarer zu beobachten sind. Schließlich ist das Schiff eine fliegende WG. Ich habe die Besatzung der Wayfarer unglaublich schnell ins Herz geschlossen. Becky Chambers macht es ihren Leser_innen durch unauffällige, aber umfassende und exakte Charakterisierungen sehr leicht, Sympathien selbst für nicht-menschliche Figuren zu entwickeln. Deshalb fand ich „The long way“ nicht nur sensationell, sondern auch erfrischend optimistisch: allen Stolpersteinen der Völkerverständigung zum Trotz ist ein friedliches Miteinander verschiedener Spezies möglich.


Leseerlebnisse wie meine Erfahrung mit „The long way to a small, angry planet“ helfen mir, meine überholte Überzeugung, dass Science-Fiction nichts für mich ist, aufzuweichen. Ich brauche Bücher wie diesen modernen, exzellenten Trilogieauftakt, um endlich zu verinnerlichen, dass diese Pauschalisierung Quatsch ist. Science-Fiction ist ebenso facettenreich wie jedes andere Genre auch und Becky Chambers nutzt die Möglichkeiten, die sie bietet, wirklich voll aus. Ich fand die Lektüre wunderbar und freue mich darüber, mit wie viel Spaß sie Diversität feiert und literarisch praktiziert. Jetzt kümmere ich mich schnellstens um den Erwerb der zwei Folgebände und möchte euch „The long way“ vehement ans Herz legen, selbst wenn ihr sonst nicht für Science-Fiction zu haben seid. Becky Chambers erweist dem Genre einen unschätzbaren Dienst: sie zieht lauter neue kleine Fans heran.

Source: wortmagieblog.wordpress.com/2019/04/30/becky-chambers-the-long-way-to-a-small-angry-planet
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review 2019-04-04 01:09
Book Review for The Commanders' Mate (Interstellar Brides® Book 15) by Grace Goodwin
The Commanders' Mate (Interstellar Brides Program #15) - Grace Goodwin

The Commanders' Mate 

(Interstellar Brides® Book 15)

  • File Size: 1858 KB
  • Print Length: 202 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publication Date: March 19, 2019
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Gene: Psychic Romance,Science Fiction,Erotica Romance 
  • Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
  • ARC provided via Bookspout
  • 5 stars from us
Sign up for Grace's VIP Reader list at http://freescifiromance.com

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Interested in joining my not-so-secret Facebook Sci-Fi Squad? Get excerpts, cover reveals and sneak peeks before anyone else. Be part of a closed Facebook group that shares pictures and fun news. JOIN Here: http://bit.ly/SciFiSquad

All of Grace's books can be read as sexy, "stand-alone" adventures. Her Happily-Ever-Afters are always free from cheating because she writes Alpha males, NOT Alphaholes. (You can figure that one out.) But be careful...she likes her heroes hot and her love scenes hotter. You have been warned...

About Grace:
Grace Goodwin is a USA Today and international bestselling author of Sci-Fi & Paranormal romance. Grace believes all women should be treated like princesses, in the bedroom and out of it, and writes love stories where men know how to make their women feel pampered, protected and very well taken care of. Grace hates the snow, loves the mountains (yes, that's a problem) and wishes she could simply download the stories out of her head instead of being forced to type them out. Grace lives in the western US and is a full-time writer, an avid romance reader and an admitted caffeine addict.
Commander Karter is a Prillon Warrior. His first duty is to protect his people, to defend the Coalition worlds from a fate too terrible to comprehend. Battle is his life. His heart. He fights. He has never once been selfish enough to believe he deserved an Interstellar Bride.

Besides, he doesn't have time to deal with a feisty human female and share a passion so hot it burns him to his warrior's soul. But he's been matched. He must choose a second and together, they must claim their bride or lose her forever.
Let's start off by saying that this is one of my favorite paranormal/science fiction romance authors and each and every story we just love.
I really loved this story from beginning to end.We loved that the story had a strong female character that would be able to stand up two domineering males both captain of their own fleets.
Erica we loved her from the onset of the story she was strong and opinionated and not a little women to be put in her place or in a corner and she was also a introvert according to herself but, took to her new position like a "duck to water".
It is always a dream for warriors like themselves to find a mate but, once they have her they both feel that the do not deserve her.The trio's love story was a rocky one for sure but, through love,patience and endurance and understanding and love this trio will hopefully beat the odds and achieve the love and happiness they all deserve.
We loved that we were able to see a vulnerable side to these hardened warriors even if it was only for Erica's benefit it made them more human and more love-able. We loved the chemistry and the heat they created as the really were perfect for each other and Ronan balanced them all as he seemed to be a little softer than commander Karter and the perfect mix of both worlds for Erica.
We are really loving this Interstellar Bride series and we are so looking forward to the next in the series.For us the author has done it again as we loved it as this story was filled with a great cast of character's for us to love as well as a few surprises.
Series Page Link
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review 2019-02-18 13:32
Book Review for Ascension Saga: 9 (Interstellar Brides®: Ascension Saga) by Grace Goodwin
Destiny; Part 3 (Interstellar Brides; Ascension Saga #2.3) - Grace Goodwin
Ascension Saga: 9 (Interstellar Brides®: Ascension Saga) by Grace Goodwin
  • File Size: 1673 KB
  • Print Length: 113 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publication Date: February 5, 2019
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Gene: Paranormal Romance
  • Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
  • Arc copy provided from booksprout
  • Purchase link : https://amzn.to/2X2K7LX
Destiny is doing everything she can to find her mother and stop the evil traitors from taking over her planet. But explosions, murder plots and chaos are just the beginning. And now she has more on the line than ever before. 

Now, she's in love.

And Nix isn't the sit-by-and-watch kind of guy. He's right there next to her, risking everything. 

For her.

Every time they get close, their enemy slips through their fingers like a thousand grains of sand. The hunt is on. The end is near. And if Nix dies protecting her, she'll never forgive herself.
Let's start off by saying that this is one of my favorite paranormal/sci-fi author's and we love everything this author writes.What an imagination this author has and always creates sexy and hot and steamy books for us to read .We are loving these off the planet romance reads!One of the things we are loving about this current series is that we are really loving its character's.
This story is an ongoing one but, Destiny and Nix's story has just begun.The Queen still missing but, the Princesses Trinity,Faith,Destiny have taken things in their own hands and upped their game in trying to find their mother.
We loved this current story it was fun,witty super hot and funny as he**.Omg ! these men in this story are sexy as Sin. Nix got a taste off just what his mate Destiny was capable of .
I loved the romance between Nix and Destiny they were matched perfectly for one another both dominate and stubborn by nature but, Nix has met his match in Destiny whats-more she is his mate ! Oh! Boy!

Without giving anything away let's just say this couple are perfectly matched in and out of bed! Holy hotness and highly erotic my kind of read!

One of things we love about this author and the book's she creates for us is she knows how to write some serious hot erotic books.As the story is coming to a close Nix and Trinity still can't keep their hands off one another or their clothes on and he is still getting caught in his naked state and every time he does its hilarious.

The author did an amazing job tyeing up all the those lose ends and we have to say that we loved all the surprises that happened in this current story along with one whopping OMG moment !
For a short read it was packed with tons of hotness,laughs,drama,mystery and we loved it from cover to cover!

We are really going to miss these character's as the were a blast to read about and a lot of fun.

Although we don't know much about the Queens husband from Earth what we do know about him we loved and you are the bomb!
Personal note:My only complaint is that I dislike reading a series this way.I dislike that it takes 3 books to tell one princesses story and this is one of the things that turns me away from authors like these.
I have no problem with a main plot story that continues through out the current series you are writing a lot of writers do that but, I dislike reading a story that just ends almost like a cliffhanger.
I love this author's works I just wish she had written Trinity,Faith,Destiny books as a whole not in pieces for each princess.

Sign up for Grace's VIP Reader list at http://freescifiromance.com

YOUR mate is out there! Take the test today and discover your match (or two):


Interested in joining my not-so-secret Facebook Sci-Fi Squad? Get excerpts, cover reveals and sneak peeks before anyone else. Be part of a closed Facebook group that shares pictures and fun news. JOIN Here: http://bit.ly/SciFiSquad


All of Grace's books can be read as sexy, "stand-alone" adventures. Her Happily-Ever-Afters are always free from cheating because she writes Alpha males, NOT Alphaholes. (You can figure that one out.) But be careful...she likes her heroes hot and her love scenes hotter. You have been warned...


About Grace:

Grace Goodwin is a USA Today and international bestselling author of Sci-Fi & Paranormal romance. Grace believes all women should be treated like princesses, in the bedroom and out of it, and writes love stories where men know how to make their women feel pampered, protected and very well taken care of. Grace hates the snow, loves the mountains (yes, that's a problem) and wishes she could simply download the stories out of her head instead of being forced to type them out. Grace lives in the western US and is a full-time writer, an avid romance reader and an admitted caffeine addict.

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review 2019-02-09 21:51
Book Review for Queen by Kerri Ann
Title: Queen
Series: Restless Souls MC #1
Author: Kerri Ann
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: February 7, 2019
Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
Arc copy provided for honest review
5 stars
The Queen, is a woman not to be toyed with. She takes what was owed, keeping it until the debt is paid. I was a debt to be paid. I'd understood my lot in life early, knowing my life was forfeit. Until the day he arrived. 

Dragged across the scrub, laid in the stone house, I watched and listened. I saw who he was. A kindred soul that was now a debt like me. 


The Queen was playing her game and he was just a new piece on the board. His strength, his fury won't help against her cunning, and deciding to help him could be my death.


Following the story of the Broken Bows MC, the Restless Souls MC continues the battle with the vindictive wicked cartel Queen. 


Tick tock. A chiming bell.

I'm your little slice of hell.


The King of cream. You made him fall.

A Queen. The heart. I'll stand tall.

The pieces set. The places dealt.

There's nowhere left to run.
I've set the board. I've set the trap.
Now it's your time come.
Down and down, until I win.
Your downfall is my sin.
The Knights will fail. One by one.
Until all the King's men fall.
Their power wains, I'm ready to maim.
They'll reap what they have wrought.
The victory is mine.
Brought out by their design.
Tick Tock. Tick Tock.
Time's up.
The Queen will win.


The Queen is a standalone, but is best read after King and Pawn from the Broken Bows MC. Recommended to read Christmas at the Clubhouse Anthology.


This new book explores the lifes of Vaca and Codero aka Cap
Let's start off by say this is a fairly new author for us and we really enjoyed this latest story as it was dark,edgy,full of drama and it started off with a bang and just sucked you wright in.
This story is not for the faint of heart and might have triggers for some as the plot is very dark and its content contains graphic scenes.
When we started reading this story we were a little but on edge as we haven't loved all this authors books in the past but, in this current read the author drew you right in from the very first pages with just one heinous act.
The character's mainly the main ones Cap and Vaca were really strong character's. Corero aka Cap's life was filled with tragedy and neglect and a man who grew up on the streets and then joined the military became a self made man who is now the President of the Restless Souls. Vaca was given as payment for a debt owed by her family now would live a life of slavery,torture and rape for the next 15 years.These two broken souls are thrown together due to the betrayal of another but, perhaps fate has intervened and might just turn out be each other saviors.
We enjoyed the character's most of them are dark and broken other's sadistic and mad but, we will say that the content of the story put us on edge and made us more uncomfortable more than once because of all the the sick stuff that transpired throughout it.
If I had to pick a favorite character mine would have to be Vaca as this women surprised me time and time again after all she endure she still stayed strong and willful. Omg ! Vaca's story was enough to bring me to tears as well as my knee's.My heart broke for this women and the life she was force to lead.I have no other words than just say heart wrenching...
Cap was another who's pain you felt who had trouble dealing with death of someone who he considered a brother.Cap's pain was drowning him and your heart ached for the devastation he was experiencing as his life was spiraling out of control. 
The story was so dark as well as intense and it had so much going on in it to keep your interest and engrossed and turning the pages.Drama kept unfolding one tragic event after another secrets coming to life but,among the chaos their in lyes one savior for them all.
The story and plot effected more than just the main character's and all of them where living in hell and under the rule of a sadist and my heart broke for all those other broken souls too and as the plot forges on you see just how sick this Queen really turned out to be because a bombshell is dropped right into our laps that we never saw coming and it's an earth shattering one!
The story does not end on a cliffhanger but ,we were left with a lot of unanswered questions.Like who are these other players ? Is there more than one traitor ? Is there more than one game in play? and so forth...
This dark read was very entraining !
Mother of two insanely (well trained) sarcastic men, wife to a dangerously smolder inducing grumble bunny (fireman), and friend to some amazing ladies (you know who you are). Thanks for reading, thanks for being a friend, and I look forward to meeting you in the future for drinks, danger and laughs.
Living in Northern Ontario, Canada, Kerri loves to read, travel and find new reasons to write you fantastic love stories. Remember, not all love is clean. Dark, light, angsty, sexually charged and twisted—that’s her genre.
It’s heart wrenching stories where the muse directs her. As the instrument of their lives, the stories are told piece by piece with emotion, that has the story read like a movie. You can hope for the good guy to win, but it won’t always happen. She can’t guarantee an HEA (happily ever after) or HFN (happy for now), because life doesn't always have those. 
Enjoy the OMG's and tears. Tear your hair out, toss a book or two, because I want you to feel their pain too. As they live it, absorb it on the pages.


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review 2019-02-07 06:50
Book Review for Ascension Saga: 6 (Interstellar Brides®: Ascension Saga) by Grace Goodwin
Ascension Saga: 6 (Interstellar Brides: Ascension Saga #6) by Grace Goodwin - Grace Goodwin
Ascension Saga: 6 
(Interstellar Brides®: Ascension Saga)
by Grace Goodwin
  • File Size: 1721 KB
  • Print Length: 99 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publication Date: January 10, 2019
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • Reviewed by Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
  • Arc provided for honest review
5 stars from us
The traitor within the Jax household has been found, and the repercussions are staggering, with Faith barely surviving and their mating destroyed. But Faith has always been unpredictable—just ask her sisters— and nothing will stop her from getting what she wants…and she wants Thor. Even if it kills her.

Download now for the exciting conclusion to Faith's story!
Let's start off by saying that this is one of my favorite paranormal/sci-fi author's and we love everything this author writes.What an imagination this author has and always creates sexy and hot and steamy books for us to read .We are loving these off the planet romance reads!One of the things we are loving about this current series is that we are really loving its character's.
This story is an ongoing one but, Destiny and Nix's story has continued into this current tale.The Queen still missing but, the Princesses Trinity,Faith,Destiny have taken things in their own hands and upped their game in trying to find their mother.
We loved this current story it was fun,witty super hot and funny as he**.Omg ! these men in this story are sexy as Sin. Nix got a taste off just what his mate Destiny was capable of .
I loved the romance between Nix and Destiny they were matched perfectly for one another both dominate and stubborn by nature but, Nix has met his match in Destiny whats-more she is his mate ! Oh! Boy!

Talk about one super hot read! Destiny is in Ardor its what's called a mating heat and boy are her lady parts aching for one hot sexy male called Nix yet, her mind says danger beware.I loved the tug of war Destiny had going on within herself she is on a mission to find the traitors that kidnapped her mom yet, all that her lady bits want to do are to constantly jump the bones of that sexy as sin warrior named Nix.
What does one do when their mate thinks that what they have between them is just sex and constantly denies the mating bond between them? Poor Nix he has to up his own game in this current story and prove once and for all that Destiny belongs to him and him alone for forever and always and no other man will have what belongs to him !
This current tale things even became hotter if that's even possible lol .Destiny is still in the Ardor and Nix has been awakened and no other with do to ease the pain of the mating frenzy.
Nix is a favorite of mine OMG! Dominate and can you say caveman? Sexy as all get out and the story had me wanting a Nix of my own in my bed !
What happens when one likes the bossy sexy dominate man in bed but , not out of it ?
Let's just say there will be laughing involved....
Without giving anything away let's just say this couple are perfectly matched in and out of bed! Holy hotness and highly erotic my kind of read!
For a short read it was packed with tons of hotness,laughs,drama,mystery and we loved it from cover to cover! We loved that the stories and the series itself gave off the vibe of that no pampered princesses are allowed! These princesses were warriors at heart able to protect,fight ,defend themselves against their enemies in their own right and make perfect mates for those highly dangerous delectable warriors.
Personal note:My only complaint is that I dislike reading a series this way.I dislike that it takes 3 books to tell one princesses story and this is one of the things that turns me away from authors like these.
I have no problem with a main plot story that continues through out the current series you are writing a lot of writers do that but, I dislike reading a story that just ends almost like a cliffhanger.
I love this author's works I just wish she had written Trinity,Faith,Destiny books as a whole not in pieces for each princess.

Purchase : https://amzn.to/2WHfMm5

Sign up for Grace's VIP Reader list at http://freescifiromance.com

YOUR mate is out there! Take the test today and discover your match (or two):

Interested in joining my not-so-secret Facebook Sci-Fi Squad? Get excerpts, cover reveals and sneak peeks before anyone else. Be part of a closed Facebook group that shares pictures and fun news. JOIN Here: http://bit.ly/SciFiSquad

All of Grace's books can be read as sexy, "stand-alone" adventures. Her Happily-Ever-Afters are always free from cheating because she writes Alpha males, NOT Alphaholes. (You can figure that one out.) But be careful...she likes her heroes hot and her love scenes hotter. You have been warned...

About Grace:
Grace Goodwin is a USA Today and international bestselling author of Sci-Fi & Paranormal romance. Grace believes all women should be treated like princesses, in the bedroom and out of it, and writes love stories where men know how to make their women feel pampered, protected and very well taken care of. Grace hates the snow, loves the mountains (yes, that's a problem) and wishes she could simply download the stories out of her head instead of being forced to type them out. Grace lives in the western US and is a full-time writer, an avid romance reader and an admitted caffeine addict.
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