by Rachael Allen
I was hoping I would enjoy this book, and at times I did, but at most times I didn't. I think it mostly because the topics didn't match and it was just too much. We got kisses, slut shaming, rivalry, popularity, family drama, death, abuse, depressions, dating a teacher and some other stuff. Normally...
I went into this expecting something light and fun. I got so much more, and I loved it!I love Claire/CJ’s character. Even though things are a mess at home she has a confidence that I don’t think I could muster. She manages to keep her grades up, be there for her family, and be there for her frien...
Releases June 17, 2014!! One of my friends read this and loved it. Also, the heroine's best friend's name is Megan. AWESOME! I just love a cute YA story and this seems to be just that. :)★ Check out my list of UPCOMING BOOK RELEASES!!____________________________________________Find more of my revie...