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BookLikes for Authors


BookLikes is a way to reach a growing community of book bloggers who read, review and endorse your title(s).


Join us by creating an author profile and reach new readers and reviewers. There is NO COST to join BookLikes.com, simply register and log in when you visit us again. 




Be a writer. Be a reader.


It is the reader who make your books visible. Being part of the BookLikes community is an opportunity to build new relationships with your current and potential readers. It’s also a great way to reach your target audience: book bloggers who are readers AND reviewers.


Want to set up an author blog on BookLikes? Already on BookLikes but not verified with an official author page yet? Need tips on how to set up and maintain your blog on BookLikes?

Contact us at authors@booklikes.com 





Promote books, reach beta readers and gain new reviews with BookLikes Giveaways program at no cost. All giveaway formats are possible, including the e-books.


At BookLikes, we like to be fair with writers and readers alike. We don’t charge authors any fees to give their books away.


CLICK to join our free (and fair) giveaway program for authors! Leave your details below and we’ll start preparing a giveaway for you. Once the giveaway is ready, we’ll e-mail you a giveaway draft for your approval.




3. Reading recommendation / Book release shout-out / Book Event


Add your title to a reading list recommended to our community of book bloggers! Readers are always looking for new books to read, help them out with your recommendations!


Tell your friends your new book is coming! We can send them a shout-out in our newsletter (70K subscribers and growing!) or you can create an event and invite them via Facebook or email.


CLICK to leave your details below and we’ll be happy to share your title with our readers




4. Guest posts and author interviews


Run an interview on BookLikes Blog or write a guest post that will reach the BookLikes community.


CLICK to leave your details below and we’ll prepare the interview questions for you.




5. Promo packages


Tailor our offer to meet your needs - mix and match various promo options to create the perfect approach for your target audience.


6. Special projects


BookLikes takes part in many special projects, book fairs, book sponsorships and book promotional tours. We want to work with you, if you feel the same write to us and we’re sure we can work on something awesome and bookish together!



We play fair.

When you sign up, we'll contact you to discuss the details. Nothing will go live without your “go ahead!”.



We'd love to welcome you among BookLikes Community!

Reach us at authors@booklikes.com with any questions, ideas or suggestions. 


Need help?