by Seedbox Classics, Kurt Vonnegut
One of the disadvantages of electronic downloads is that you lose physically obvious metadata - by which I mean the size of the literary object you've acquired. This is a short story of 13-15 pp., probably originally published in a magazine. It has all the hallmarks of a good science fiction story o...
It still haunts me. And that ending--aargh!
completely forgot i read this a couple of months ago ...very creepy indeed.
Blew my mind. Will have to read another of Kurt Vonnegut's short stories and/or books.This will totally suffice as a review, reading this review takes approximately as long as reading the story yourself.
I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this story. It is a simple tale of planetary population control and it is one of the most sardonic tales I've ever read. You must read this one for yourself.Devlin
I have to say this was interesting. It was my first read by Vonnegut and I do understand now why my son loves him.It's a short story about population control. For every child born that is going to live, a volunteer must die. Imagine what goes through a father's head when his wife is about to have...
All sci-fi should be as good as this.
This is a thought-provoking dystopian story of a world determined to hold its population at a perpetually steady number. Everyone lives a long life ... if they're lucky enough to be alive at all ...Subscribe to this story by email in 5 short installments at