by Lynn Varley, Frank Miller
I was surprised the film was so close to this comic, the comic is much more beautiful though
First, let's start with the visual element. The visual element in this graphic novel is excellent. Great art and color. You can see why this work won the awards it did. The book is a nice, large, oversized book. The story? Well, Frank Miller does take some artistic liberties here and there, but it i...
While not quite in the same league as Alan Moore's 'classics', V for Vendetta or Watchmen, Frank Miller's graphical novella does pack enough of a punch to interest fans of the comic genre throughout the world.
Reading this makes me appreciate the translation to film. The film really fleshed out the story and characters, which were sparse in the graphic novel, while still holding on to and enhancing the visual.
More like a 2.5. Since this was such a short story, this took me about 20 minutes to read. I don't know what everyone complained about with the movie. They pretty much followed this down to the letter, only adding scenes because this was so short. Honestly, as much as I hate to say this, I liked the...
I decided that I needed to read this graphic novel after watching the movie again recently. While this was a good read and captured some very tough and manly themes nicely, I felt the movie actually had more to it. I know that sounds laughable, but that's the way I feel about this.Either way this is...
This ambitious graphic fails to deliver anything of substance and is hardly up to Frank Miller's usual high standards. The dialogue is horrid, the historical accuracy non-existent, and the story is just plain boring. I suppose it served as a pre-made story board for the movie adaptation that follo...