Shakes head. Seriously. Sometimes authors can jump across genres and sometimes they can't. Mr. Milne proves that he should have stuck with Winnie the Pooh. The dialogue was way too talky and I still, still, have no idea who did what to who and have absolutely no urge to figure it out. I breathed a s...
I love detective stories where the reader is given a fair chance to discover the puzzle too! Also, I did, which just makes me like it more.But even if you don't, this book reads easily and has nice atmosphere, the plot is well thought-out, the sleuth sympathetic and his sidekick just charming.
This is a brisk little country house mystery with low stakes but a pretty satisfying solution, likable characters, and plenty of humor. My ebook copy wasn't clearly labelled, so I didn't realize it was by A.A. Milne until I'd already finished it, but I wasn't surprised. It's obviously a more adult s...
Buddy read with Kim and group read for the English Mystery Club.
The only detective novel written by A.A.Milne, and a very good one. Many surprises and a very acceptable plot. I hugely enjoyed it.
Maybe it was the narration on my audio version, but I just couldn't get into this one. I was disappointed, because I'd heard good things about it.