by Roberta Pearce
Four stars on technical aspects of writing, one star on characters, one star on the romance plot, three on the mystery subplot. This averages out to 2.25. This is probably going to be my last less-than three-star review. The next time I get forty pages into a book and still dislike it, I’m going to ...
Since my noir novelist notoriety is already down the drain after reviewing For Those Who Wait, I might as well review Roberta Pearce’s A Bird Without Wings.The author was concerned that I would be bored reading her books due to the lack of blood and violence. And disturbed people. However, knowing b...
A Bird Without Wings is an office romance with much more originality than I had anticipated, and a plot that doesn’t rely only on the laws of attraction to carry it through. In Romance, I typically find the sub-plot boring—something I skim past because I don’t care. Not so here. The mystery of the b...