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This is the first four books in The Dark Servant series. S'Rak is sent on a mission to save the Prince in the land of light. He is from the dark and looked down upon but he knows he must complete his mission or war will come.I enjoyed these books. I had definite opinions about the characters. Too ma...
Again, some of the weirdest mix of the darkest shit I've ever read and the crackiest bullshit I've ever encountered, all released in serial format, which probs increases the crack value since the author needs to maintain reader interest. I don't even know what I think of this series anymore. Like ab...
Characterization is, again, all over the place. Cognitions, perceptions, etc, are as usual not set in stone and advance and regress apparently at the author's unexplained whim. Plot wasn't bad, I guess, although this one's subplot lost me a little.I was absolutely outraged at Tyll's treatment by, we...
It's cool because unlike other installments, you learn more about the universe in this one, while getting glimpses of Rak's past. It was a good break for me, reading it between 14 and 15. Especially because according to the blurb, shit's going to get real in 15.
Again, what happened to the magical kironi magic? Is kironi sex just happening off screen, then? So off screen it's not even mentioned/alluded to? Or was that an optional thing and bunches of misdirection created to give the reader wrong ideas? Or did the author actually forget about it?Have I just ...