by Alex Marshall
Ich bin ein bisschen irritiert, dass so viele Rezensent_innen von „A Crown for Cold Silver“ davon sprechen, dass der Autor unbekannt sei, weil Alex Marshall ein Pseudonym ist. Es ist zwar korrekt, dass Alex Marshall nicht der wahre Name des Schriftstellers ist, aber es handelt sich um ein weiches Ps...
"Not even a devil can save you from yourself." What if the familiar young peasant boy (think Kvothe, Fitz, insert-male-fantasy-lead-here), destined to become a hero and bring vengeance down on those responsible for the deaths of everyone he’s ever known and loved, the one of humble beginnings and w...
Well, this is the first disappointment of 2016 for me. A Crown for Cold Silver was recommended and lauded by so many fantasy blogs and on many lists but for the life of me, I don't know why. At 650 pages, this is one hefty novel! It's that long because there are pages and pages and pages of ex...
Really enjoyed parts of this, but the pacing was ROUGH, and ultimately why I wandered off.Really enjoyed the characters particularly, esp. as I am a sucker for the "ONE LAST JOB" trope. Found the Chain religion stuff left me really cold in an uncommon way-- normally well-explored fantasy religion/ch...
Really enjoyed parts of this, but the pacing was ROUGH, and ultimately why I wandered off.Really enjoyed the characters particularly, esp. as I am a sucker for the "ONE LAST JOB" trope. Found the Chain religion stuff left me really cold in an uncommon way-- normally well-explored fantasy religion/ch...
Immediately after finishing this novel, I rated it 3.5 star. Now, after mulling it over for a few weeks, I'm downgrading that to a 2.5 star rating for reasons to be explained.A Crown for Cold Silver was a book seemingly tailor made for my tastes; a grimdark-esque, epic fantasy which throws you direc...
I don't get the complaints. I loved it.