by Christine Norris
I'll admit, that when I first read this was a Cinderella retelling I was thinking along the lines of this:But then, when I looked at the character names (Benjamin Grimm) I thought that this could be a retelling melding several fairy tales together.Alas, I was wrong. What was involved in the retellin...
Based on the cover I assumed it would be a steampunk novel, however, I didn't realise that it was a Cinderella retelling until I was halfway the book. Benjamin Grimm reunites with his childhood friend Eleanor and find out she's been living under a spell for years, forcing her to live like a servan...
First things first: I received a review copy for this book over at YA Bound Book Tours. The book is out for a while now and you should totally check it out. This is a Cinderella retelling with a few Steampunk elements. Even though Cinderella isn't exactly one of my favorite fairytales, I still l...