The Imaginary by A.F. Harrold recalls to mind the memory of childhood and the power (danger?) of imagination. The story revolves around Amanda and her best friend named Rudger. They're typical friends that have lots of imaginary play, get into mischief, and share all of their secrets with one anothe...
I didn’t know what to think about this novel, the more that I read it. The story seemed typical until I started to know Nick and his situation. Nick was like an outcast for he was different but he didn’t seem to let that bother him much as he kept to himself. Nick didn’t have to go in and save Frank...
***This review has also been posted on The Social PotatoThis is such a heartfelt book that is bound to make you feel all mushy and warm inside. If you, like me, were an avid watcher for Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, I think this book will be right up your alley and will probably have you flip...