by Janna Jennings
I don't have too much to say about A Grimm Legacy. I finished the book a few weeks ago (I know it, I'm horribly behind on my reviewing) and frankly - but unsurprisingly - my eReader did yet another reboot deleting all my notes. Which brings me immediately to the biggest problem with the book. The ...
..something that in truth isn't bad _ I gave this 3.5 stars _ but you can't help wishing you were reading something else! :/ Another year has almost gone by, and most of the books I wanted to read this year, I didn't! At this moment I really wished I had no more arcs to review, so I could just read ...
Arc provided by Patchwork Press through Netgalley Yes, here's another fairy tale retelling review. As you can see, or better yet "read", it seems I can't get enough of them. Placing contemporary teenage characters in a fairy tale scenario was a very interesting choice, that lead to this interest...
More Reviews: **I received an eARC of this book through Netgalley from the publisher in exchange for a review. In no way does that influence this review. I did not get paid in any way for this review.** REVIEW First off, isn't that cover gorgeous?! It drew me to the book instantly and when I read...