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A History of American Higher Education - editions back

by John R. Thelin
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A History of American Higher Education - John R. Thelin
A History of American Higher Education
publisher: The Johns Hopkins University Press publish date: May 12th 2004
format: paperback pages: 448
language: English
ISBN: 0801880041 (9780801880049)
A History of American Higher Education - John R. Thelin
A History of American Higher Education
publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press publish date: October 7th 2011
format: paperback pages: 504
language: English
ISBN: 142140267X (9781421402673)
A History of American Higher Education - John R. Thelin
A History of American Higher Education
publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press publish date: October 7th 2011
format: kindle pages: 499
language: English
ASIN: B0063D7L3M
A History of American Higher Education - John R. Thelin
A History of American Higher Education
publisher: Johns Hopkins University Press publish date: October 11th 2011
format: hardcover pages: 504
language: English
ISBN: 1421402661 (9781421402666)
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