A Lesson Before Dying Notes
9780764512629 (0764512625)
Edition language: English
Book Club,
Adult Fiction,
Historical Fiction,
African American,
This book asks one big question: How much are we obligated to the community we grew up in? The protagonist, Grant Wiggins, is an educated man living in the impoverished rural Louisiana town of his birth, and he has one foot out the door [the first line of the novel is, "I was not there, yet I was th...
Although it took me a while to truly empathize with the main character as he seemed obnoxious and self-absorbed in the first half, this was a great story, with a powerful message and a great sense of time and place.
“But let us say he was (guilty). Let us for a moment say he was (guilty). What justice would there be to take his life? Justice, gentlemen? Why, I would just as soon put a hog in the electric chair as this.” - Ernest J. Gaines, A Lesson Before Dying. Jefferson, an African-American man living in Loui...
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An incredible book.At first it was hard to get into because the narrative felt sort of dry and disinterested, but as I read along, I realized that was the point. Our narrator is worn out, tired of being a teacher, which he doesn't like, because he sees it as the only thing an educated black man can ...