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A Man Without a Country - Community Reviews back

by Kurt Vonnegut, Daniel Simon
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Bloodorange rated it 10 years ago
Amusing, highly quotable, at times informative; unfortunately, it made no lasting impression on me.
Musings of a Bibliomaniac
Musings of a Bibliomaniac rated it 11 years ago
People may find fault with Vonnegut for his know-it-all, been-there-done-that tone in this memoir. People may not even find anything new or insightful in here since every person well-versed with current affairs and the nitty-gritties of international politics has at least a second-hand knowledge of ...
Paperback Castles
Paperback Castles rated it 11 years ago
Allow me to quote my dearest Alice: "Curiouser and curiouser!"This is indeed a peculiar little book. It is almost impossible to define, and a struggle to categorize. Some parts of it read like a memoir, as Vonnegut reflects on his childhood, his career and the time period he grew up in. But "A Man W...
Pustu aprende a leer
Pustu aprende a leer rated it 11 years ago
Cada vez que más leo a Kurt más lo amo. Esta es como lo más cercano a una memoria de el. Es como un ensayo de lo que piensa acerca de varios temas. Si les gusta como escribe leanlo, si no, mejor ni se acerquen.
Linhtalinhtinh rated it 12 years ago
There is no way I can fully appreciate this book and this author, the legendary Kurt Vonnegut, simply because of me being not an American. His writings, no, not exactly his writings, but it's his mindset, it's indescribable.
The Word Warehouse
The Word Warehouse rated it 12 years ago
Kurt Vonnegut was a wonderful writer. This is a series of articles he wrote late in his career and the last book published when he was alive. A keen observer of human nature, he would never hesitate to point out what he thought was a flaw and what should be done about it. Just like in his novels, th...
Hall of Records
Hall of Records rated it 13 years ago
I’m not a big fan of Vonnegut’s prose, but I love how the man thought! And how he expressed these thoughts here.
The Drift Of Things
The Drift Of Things rated it 15 years ago
Another good reads reviewer said that Kurt Vonnegut's death was such a great loss because "nobody thinks the way he did." So true, and such an understatement. There's just no other mind that works anything like his. Of course, every mind is unique, but most of us are depressingly ordinary, myself i...
JasonKoivu rated it 15 years ago
As seems to happen often, I became a fan of Vonnegut during college. It's been a few years since then and so to finally hear him writing in his own voice about his own thoughts, as opposed to getting to know him through the eyes of his fictional characters, was very cool. The sarcasm, the dry wit, t...
the terror of whatever
the terror of whatever rated it 16 years ago
It's sad and scary that Kurt Vonnegut basically gave up on humanity at the end of his life. This collection is OK, but I'm on the same side of the political fence as him, so it mainly felt like I was being lectured by an angry uncle. I get it, Uncle Kurt. OK Uncle Kurt. Yes I will run along and get ...
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