by Harper Fox
3.80 starsThis was lovely at its essence (if not its execution) and so much more than a coming-of-age love story.When Laurie, wealthy scion and pampered rich boy meets Sasha, a homeless, street hustler, his eyes are opened up to a whole new world that has been right in front of him. His (totally evi...
3.5 stars, I think. If you read this one for the characters and the romance, it's well worth the time. The plot was interesting, but a little too overwhelming. Several times it felt...cluttered. Disjointed. Just...too much, and with far too neat a resolution to everything. I felt very disconnected f...
A very beautiful, bitter sweet love story.The beginning has a dreamlike/fairytale quality in a snowy, timeless London. Made me think of "The prince and the pauper" and also the Oscar Wilde fairy tale about the golden prince, although there is no real connection or relation.The writing was brilliant,...
Holy crap this is a good novel.Laurie is an upper-class young man, his mother comes from a noble family in France, and his father is filthy rich. One night while waiting for his chauffeur he meets Sasha, a homeless boy who is homeless for spoilery reasons. The connection between them is instantaneou...
Not a historical! I thought it was, from the blurb and the cover, although neither actually says, "historical".The blurb doesn't say what era, but it starts off with the "son of a wealthy London baronet" rescuing a "homeless young man off the bitter winter streets." And then the cover - maybe espe...
I admit I wasn't into this read from the get-go. One minute it was a historical, then they were watching a singing movie and had cell phones?! The father's drinking, the mother's pills, and the ending about the little girl, did not flow well and was really unbelievable. Not my type of read.
Can't give a valuation.I didn't finish it:-(
3.5 star. I had some issues with this book but they stem from personal preferences. Otherwise the book was good and I love the setting.
Nineteen years old Laurie Fitzroy is the son of wealthy Sir William Fitzroy. He has everything ... but he is also lonely and imprisoned in his life of having to become what his father is needed. Then one freezing night, he meets an illegal homeless boy, Sasha, and his life forever changes. Because S...
4,5 stars.BIG drama. Romeo and Julian in London - only with HEA.Just a tiny bit too stagy and pompous.What shall I say - this is Harper Fox.