The first installment of A Naughty Futanari Fantasy presents the tale of Asher Godfreed, a renowned hero warrior in a mystical universe. When a young barmaid is saved by the futanari heroine, she vows to do anything she can to repay her back. Asher's request is a bit unorthodox, but the young...
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The first installment of A Naughty Futanari Fantasy presents the tale of Asher Godfreed, a renowned hero warrior in a mystical universe. When a young barmaid is saved by the futanari heroine, she vows to do anything she can to repay her back. Asher's request is a bit unorthodox, but the young woman can't say no to her savior!This is not a stand-alone story. Warning: This 5,900-word short story erotica contains lesbian, futanari-on-female, impregnation and first time content.
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