by M.J. Nicholls
I'm not sure what I feel about this book other than I feel it very strongly. If I am ever capable of parsing the genuine from the false, either in the content of the book or of these reviews, it will confirm with some certainty that the final thread tying me to my sanity has at last frayed and broke...
Written after reading part of the first sentence. I was incited to do so. The stars are a combination of hearsay and my expectation of the capabilities of MJ. I am Scottish in my use of stars - that is, they may be free, but that is no reason to be extravangant with them - and hence my praise may be...
"Well, Manny," said Manny, "You've finished the book. Now obviously you want to post a review? Here, I've got a few all made up. Just say which one you like best. How about this? 'A dazzling tour de force that masterfully pays homage to Joyce, Pynchon and Sterne, while simultaneously deconstructing-...
This looks psychotic, yay! Love the cover, hate the word "belch", but if this is as cool as it looks, I can overlook that.