A Prefect's Uncle
The novel takes place at the fictional "Beckford College," a private school for boys. The action begins with the arrival at the school of a mischievous young boy called Farnie, who turns out to be the uncle of the older "Bishop" Gethryn, a prefect, cricketer, and popular figure in the school. His...
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The novel takes place at the fictional "Beckford College," a private school for boys. The action begins with the arrival at the school of a mischievous young boy called Farnie, who turns out to be the uncle of the older "Bishop" Gethryn, a prefect, cricketer, and popular figure in the school. His arrival, along with that of another youngster who becomes a servant to Gethryn, leads to much excitement and scandal in the school, and the disruption of some important cricket matches.
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Format: paperback
9781426450778 (142645077X)
Publish date: October 18th 2007
Publisher: BiblioLife
Pages no: 136
Edition language: English
Series: School Stories
It's not only humor and the turn-of-phrases that are trademark Wodehouse in this book. Wodehouse always projects the feeling that nothing really bad can happen in his world; more than that, nothing really bad can even be imagined. That's what makes all his books so restful and worth reading even if ...
Many Wodehouse fans do not care for his school stories, dismissing them as mere juvenilia. I am not among their number. There is nowhere on earth Plum was happier or more comfortable than the studies and cricket pitches of the British public school, and it shows.This is a particularly early effort a...