by Morgan Rice, Wayne Farrell
A Quest of Heroes by Morgan Rice is the first installment in The Sorcerer's Ring series. This is a coming of age story about 14 year old Thorgrin who prefers to be called Thor. His dream is to become a knight with the King’s Legion. This story has everything I love in a fantasy story. There is mys...
Recently, I read "A Quest of Heroes" by Morgan Rice. This book is about a fictional character named Thor. Thor is a son of a poor farmer. Thor has 3 older brothers who are favored by his father more because of their bigger stature. The 3 sons (not including Thor) were all raised to be part of the si...
I found this book for free on Play Books. After three chapters I decided not to venture any further. The writing is rather easy on the reader, a bit too easy for my tastes. It kind of reads like fanfiction. The writing skills on display here are sub-par and obviously no editor ever worked on this.