A Scanner Darkly (Audio)
Format: audiobook
9780739323939 (0739323938)
Publish date: May 23rd 2006
Publisher: Random House Audio
Edition language: English
I'm a big Pynchon fan, too, so don't get me wrong here, but it seems to me like the main difference between Dick's writing style and Pynchon's--or at least, the difference that mostly accounts for Dick being treated as a "pulp" author with some interesting ideas whereas Pynchon is considered a major...
At first I wasn't liking this book very much, but I persevered and I must say after the story really got going I thoroughly enjoyed it.Bob Arctor/Fred is an undercover nark who, due to the nature of his work, becomes a drug addict himself. As Fred he is also ordered to start surveillance on Bob Arct...
This book is so open to pastiche. Chicks, straights, narks and like that could all do one. So I won't bother; there are a bunch of them on Goodreads already. PKD here writes a Requiem for a Dream decades before that film came out, showing from a convincing internal viewpoint what the disintegratio...
Sieczka z mózgu. Tak można krótkim stwierdzeniem streścić tę ksiażkę. I to nie tylko o nasz mózg chodzi, lecz bardziej o stan umysłu głównego bohatera. Przywykłem już do tego, że Dick serwuje literaturę wymagajacą, skłaniającą do przemyśleń i głębszego zastanowienia sie nad tym, co właśnie przelecia...
I started reading Dick with Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep and now five novels in have enjoyed every subsequent novel more than my first. This book is very much a Dick novel in that it is first and foremost concerned with personal identity. It is also concerned with the symbiotic relationship...