by Mercedes Lackey
I only read "Harvest Moon/A Tangled Web" by Mercedes Lackey. This story features the supporting characters Leo and Bru from the previous book along with Persephone and Hades. Always more than one romance happening in Lackey's books.I think I prefer her full length novels because she tends to go on t...
Another retelling of the Persephone/Hades story. I've read other ones that were better than this one. Yes there is a twist. However, it was eh. It was very dry for the first half, then got a little better. Quite a bit happens in the last bit, it would have been nice for it to have been more "even."
This book was a disappointment. I normally quite enjoy the 100 Kingdoms books; they're fun and funny and light. This one managed to flop miserably. The first 2/3rds dragged on and on and nothing happened-- and I was never, ever sold on the romance between Persephone and Hades, which is a pity becaus...