by Mary Oliver
Ama really liked Mary Oliver and I inherited several of Oliver's books from her. This is the first book of Oliver's that I've read. The poems are about nature and human nature and with the exception of the two about her dog and the one about India (unfortunately the last poem in the book) I enjoyed ...
I feel like I wanted to like this book more than I actually did. Mary Oliver has a way with words,but most of her poems seemed empty to me. I also had a hard time taking some of the metaphors seriously,like the talking animals and the black snakes. There are some gems here though,the poem "For I W...
My first exposure to Mary Oliver's poetry. I enjoyed the poems, especially "The Moth, The Mountains, The Rivers","Hum, Hum" and "The Man Who Has Many Answers." Will be reading more of her poems in future.
This book makes me want to add a shelf for "beautiful, luminous, loved it." Oliver writes so plainly, drawing us in and commenting simply and beautifully on experiences. I've been reading the poems at breakfast, which is the perfect time to read them. Not all of the poems are about mornings, but ...
Beautiful contemplative verse.
Good so far but mentally I'm not in the right space for this book. Will pick up again down the road.
3.5 stars I prefer her older stuff.
After reading a Mary Oliver collected works, I wondered if she was all slightly twee nature poetry. Nope, that's just what her collected life works volume 1 had been edited down to. There is an impressive and compelling range of poems in this collection, and it's definitely worth the read for work b...
Just brilliant