In a shattered realm where gods breathe and battle, sixteen-year-old Isiilde must find her feet among people who both despise and crave her kind. She trembles on a precipice, caught between the lust of men, the greed of kings, and an eternal struggle for power between light and oblivion. She is...
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In a shattered realm where gods breathe and battle, sixteen-year-old Isiilde must find her feet among people who both despise and crave her kind. She trembles on a precipice, caught between the lust of men, the greed of kings, and an eternal struggle for power between light and oblivion. She is the spark igniting ruin, plunging her, and her two companions into a terrifying conspiracy. A barbarian, a madman, and a timid nymph are all who stand between an approaching tide of darkness.
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