by Jennifer Worth
I read this book for a summer book club and had never heard of it or the show by the same name. I have not read much of London's post-war history despite the fact that my grandparents were living there at this time and at the very end of the 1950s my mother was born there. Worth's memoir took me int...
The first book in a trilogy which the BBC series is based on. It's always interesting to go back to the source material and examine how the scriptwriters/director mould the material for television. Characters are altered and different scenes are emphasised. An interesting read but enhanced more by v...
This book charts some of the career of Jennifer Worth, a midwife in the 1950's. She worked in the East End of London, in the slums at a time when all the tenements were being (or were supposed to be) shut down by the government as being to dangerous to live in. As I had a homebirth earlier this year...