This is a 2.5 read for me. It's more than okay but not sure I'd consider a 3 for enjoyable. It is very short and while the pussy eating and vibrating golden balls was cute, it didn't really change from the original story too much. For those who enjoy erotic fairy tales retold, this is one with a ...
I don't really know how to rate this... one of the strangest read for me, sorry... To say that it's fairy tale re-imagined is putting it mildly, I think. Gotta hand it to the author, that's one vivid imagination.
This was perfection. Perfection. Ms End masters the elaborate language of fairy tales and brings us a narrative that is utterly romantic, sexy, and satisfying.I hope she continues with these. While I enjoyed her Grimm & Dirty Fairy Tales, this, this was a full fleshed out story that fairy tale enthu...