by Anthony Renfro
A Zombie Christmas (The Mike Beem Chronicles Book 1) by Anthony Renfro is a different type of zombie short story. I gave it almost four stars. It was a fun story to read if you overlook exploding heads with the resulting blood & brain splatter. Mike is on his roof for a zombie watch. He ha...
Published 18 January 2014 by Anthony Renfro Number of pages: 11 My rating: ★ ★ ☆ I kind of liked it "This short story is about three men who risk life and limb in a Zombie Apocalypse to bring happiness to surviving kids on Christmas morning." A Zombie Christmas is a feel-good short story, depic...
Zombies + Christmas?!?! How can we go wrong?!?!Well, if you're looking for a really awesome zombie story with lots of action, blood and guts, eating flesh, etc - you have the wrong short story. Total 1 if we're judging it as a horror (which is one of the genres it follows under, according to Amazo...