Thelma dreams of being special. She wishes to be a unicorn and one day she gets her wish. Covered in pink paint and glitter with a carrot for horn, Thelma's simple life is thrust into the spotlight as she is transformed into a unicorn. At first she loves the attention of being famous, but soon the g...
The Bad Guys by Aaron Blabey originally had me quite frustrated because I felt that the labeling (the library's call number) misrepresented the content of the book. [Essentially The Bad Guys was labeled as a Young Reader meaning that the intended audience was anywhere from 2nd-4th grade depending on...
"Thelma the Unicorn", by Aaron Blabey is just plain precious! This is another book about learning to love yourself for who you are and not trying to change just because others think you should or because you think you need to be different. The more children hear stories like this, the better in my o...
Yes, Pig the Pug is greedy! His greed is almost too much for me and I was hoping that he would have a change of heart, like the Grinch. It’s Christmas Eve and Pig has his friend Trevor over. Trevor is sweet and he tries to persuade Pig to do the right thing but Pig is greedy. The two are looking at ...
Today We DidThelma is a small pony with big dreams. She dreams of being a unicorn, and when the opportunity for change presents itself, she takes advantage of it. She becomes Thelma the Unicorn, living an exciting and adoring fan-filled life, but something is missing.A beautiful picture book suitabl...