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Emma is at the window calling Sarah to go to the moon dance. Ruth is also there waiting for Sarah. They go to the woods to dance. It had been three months since the last dance. They are missing one of the girls who normally would also be there. Charlotte but her father suspects she has danced. Emma ...
This is a sweet little coming-of-age story that ended up being more emotionally wrought than I expected. I was expecting there to be more of a focus on the mystery, and there are attempts to build it up, but by the time the solution is finally given, it was almost too obvious and was also practica...
Reviewed by -- Jacqueline Driggers Book Review of -- Salted by Aaron Galvin My overall star rating -- from 1-5 5 About the book: Life isn’t better...
The cover is beautiful! I love that it is simply a seal in the water :) I stumbled onto this book and thought it sounded cool, so I bought it. The author contacted me about a week later asking if I wanted a review copy. I explained that I already bought it, and I would definitely review it once...