Crossroads is a collection of short stories, mostly from the Prophet of Panamindorah trilogy, though the last story in the book is a Cowry Catchers short about Silveo.Most of the stories focus on the past of various characters, although there is one story that explains what happened to Syrill after ...
Fire and Flood is the final book in the Prophet of Panamindorah trilogy. And it did a very nice job of tying everything up.We're given the answer to Corry's identity almost as soon as the book starts. Once more, the story doesn't really stay focused on him, but rather splits up and follows everybody...
The plot in Wolflings and Wizards is definitely a lot more fast-paced than it was in Fauns and Filinians. From the first sentence, it's pretty much non-stop action. The book also breaks off and covers several different events happening at the same time - Corry and the cubs, Syrill and Lexis, Jubal, ...
I didn't manage to get as hooked into Fauns and Filinians as I did the Cowry Catcher series. Probably because Cowry Catcher had pirates. And Silveo.Prophet has a slightly different cast of shelts and beasts than Cowry Catchers did, mostly due to the stories taking place in very different parts and t...
Sky Dance is the short story of how Thess learned the song she played that made the wild pegasus dance in Flames.I was a little worried at first when I started this story, because I wasn't as big of a fan of Thess as I was of Silveo. I mean, I loved her as a character, she was awesome...maybe it was...
I knew. I knew from the second I started this book that even in the end, everything would come to a cliffhanger. There's even a little epilogue written at that ties absolutely nothing up. This had better not be the end of Gerard and Silveo's story. Even though technically, it is.Fo...
I suppose I should have mentioned at some point before in my reviews of this series that it's definitely not for kids. Each book reinforces that point. I swear, each one manages to become more sexually driven than the last! They're not all sex all the time, but even just delving into Silveo's back s...
This was a *much* easier read than Embers was, mostly because I didn't have to spend half the book trying to figure out which shelt was which.There was a lot more interaction between Gerard and Silveo - if not the quantity of interaction, than at least the quality of it. I still say that their relat...
The first thing I want to mention about the book is this - thank you for letting me know that yes, my Kindle actually DOES get pictures. For the longest time, my Kindle refused to load up pictures properly. They worked just fine in this book, and it gave me immeasurable relief to know that in certai...