Accidental Tourist
9780582416352 (0582416353)
Edition language: English
Noch einmal habe ich mich todesmutig auf eine der von mir immer verschmähten und gehassten Liebesgeschichten eingelassen und diesmal bin ich - naja wie soll ich sagen - nicht nur gar nicht abgestoßen, sondern auch eigentlich sehr erfreut. Als aller erstes beweist Anne Tyler, dass man auch als Autori...
This is the only fictional book I have ever listened to more than once. I have the version narrated by George Guidall in 1985 in my Audible library, but unfortunately, Audible no longer offers that version. I would strongly recommend finding the Guidall narrated version on ebay or Abe books instea...
This novel is part of a Tyler omnibus gifted me by a friend. I liked Breathing Lessons, and didn't care for Searching for Caleb. Leaving The Accidental Tourist for last, I find the third time's the charm. All three books are well-written--Tyler is obviously a gifted, and consistently good writer. Al...
Loved it from the moment I first read it, even the movie, little knowing how much it would describe how much I'd travel and how much I'd wish I was sitting in the same old armchair.
I am definitely in the minority with this book. I hated it! The main character, Macon, is such a bore, compulsive and just plain crazy. It's no wonder his wife left him. Heck it's a wonder how she lasted 20 years in the first place! I assume his pathetic life was supposed to be humorous but I fo...