by Dakota Cassidy
After stopping to help an injured cougar veterinarian Katie Woods quickly realises that she just brought a ton of trouble into her life when her hand suddenly turns into a paw after being scratched. With a set full of new teeth, Katie goes through all the logical medical reasons for her sudden tran...
Just love this series... great!
Nina was flat out annoying. I didn't realize anyone could swear that much. Especially in one sentence.When she wasn't mouthing off, Katie and Shaw weren't that interesting.
What a fun read.
Another hit by Dakota Cassidy! It's a light, fun, read and you'll find yourself flying through the pages!
Dakota's Accidental Friends series was an accidental find for me back in 2008. I stumbled on the first book, The Accidental Werewolf in an airport bookstore. It was the only light and funny book available that might hold my interest for the long flight ahead. While there are things about this ser...