by Shawn Lane
Silly little thing to read while waiting in line.
Ok short story. Interesting start with a bus accident and Elijah is a very cute nerd. However Kirk lost some of his lustre as the book when on with some of his actions - plus sometimes a phone call is nice don't not call for days after first having sex with someone!
2.5 stars I didn't really like Kirk. You can't like someone for months, finally ask them out, take them to dinner, invite yourself into their apartment, tell them you've been watching them and interested in them for months, talk them into having sex, go to work with a promise to call, and NOT ment... This was kinda painful to read. Lots of telling rather than showing, stilted dialogue and NO character development. I've got a few more by this author hat I already bought. I will read them but then he is on my "thanks but I'm gonna pass" list.
Ok story, ok characters, but I consistently seem to find this author's writing to be...flat? I'm not quite sure what the right word is, but somehow the writing style just doesn't quite do it for me.
Good m/m romance about two guys who sort of meet after a bus accident during their commute.