by Vince Flynn, Armand Schultz
Mark Ross is an asshole. He could be friendly and charming but he is also arrogant and only like power. Mark Ross has no integrity, a quality that holds a person in a standard that is acceptable to modern society. His value is closer to a sociopath who would harm and kill as long as it helps to g...
This was a good Flynn book, but not a great one. At this point, even a good Flynn book to me is light years above other authors. This one seemed to focus a little less on Mitch Rapp and a little more on general political intrigue occurring in and around D.C. I still found it enjoyable to read, but n...
At first I was doubtful that this was going well. Flynn wrote extensive back story in this book. He could've left half of the book out without taking away any of the actual story. It seemed to me that he also spent a lot of time trying to explain how politics, field tactics, and the three letter age...