Hello. I'm adam. I'm currently employed by Microsoft as a Solution Architect. I stay pretty deeply entrenched in all things cloud and datacenter, with focus on the infrastructure side. However, the people and process elements are ever present in my work as my experience has taught me that...
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Hello. I'm adam. I'm currently employed by Microsoft as a Solution Architect. I stay pretty deeply entrenched in all things cloud and datacenter, with focus on the infrastructure side. However, the people and process elements are ever present in my work as my experience has taught me that technology alone solves little. I feel lucky to have had significant time in IT before the cloud wave hit and am now equally lucky to be riding that wave.I started writing regularly in 2006 as a consultant. In addition to customer-specific deliverables, I began contributing to packaged offerings which get utilized by our global consulting practice. This work led me to take on more ambitious projects such as Microsoft Private Cloud Fast Track, Datacenter Services, Reference Architectures, "Product Line Architectures", and now my first book: Windows Azure Hybrid Cloud.I always strive to produce what will ultimately have the broadest impact and most benefit to the reader, which usually involves writing with other authors. I'm lucky to be surrounded by a network of extremely talented individuals and find that co-authoring almost invariably elevates my work and the finished product.I appreciate your interest and welcome your feedback.Cheers - adam
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