I hope you don't get too sick of me posting reviews of books I had to complete for my course. I really did enjoy this one a lot. It had a lot of interesting facts and data/examples to show why helping others leads to win/win. It's hard out there if you are a manager and you have employees or bosses ...
There are givers. There are takers. Who loses? Who wins?As you might suspect, the givers lose. But here’s a surprise: the givers also win.Lots and lots here for those who own companies or manage people or just want to know more about human nature.
A really good read. Very thought-provoking into many internal struggles I've had as a giver, feeling the constant need to be more of a taker, or at least a matcher. This book has inspired me to find ways to succeed as a giver in the workplace and find personal fulfillment in the journey.I admit I zo...