All I know is a cowboy has got to get nekked to take a bath. :)
Challenged as "pornographic": a word the challengers apparently don't know the meaning of. Although the cowboy is nude for most of the story, Rex has artfully and amusingly managed to hide his genitalia and even his butt crack in every picture. There may have been man nipples, though. I'm not sure.*...
4/3/13 ** I requested this book from the library because I'd seen it on a "most challenged" list. Apparently, some have trouble with the nudity - of course, the premise is that the cowboy can't get his clothes back from his dog after he took a bath. The illustrations are very clever, with key body...
Very humorous. Timberlake's descriptions are vivid and enjoyable and Rex's illustration are hilarious. It is, however, way too wordy to make a solid picture book. Those great descriptions needed to be pared in half or to a third.
I liked this book; I thought it was cute, and funny, and clever. The target audience, however, did not. My niece couldn't figure out why a person would fail to bathe in a year's time, and my nephew was bored and just whined through the whole book. I really expected the kids to at least giggle, bu...
Apparently, some mother tried to get this book banned because the dirty cowboy gets naked to take a bath. At no time can you see anything ban-inducing. The cowboy is always covered up by a judiciously placed bunny, frog, dog's tail or other item. I think kids will get a kick out of this slightly nau...