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I collect Penguin Classics, black spine edition. They are readily accessible, and I really love the way that they look on my shelf (someday I will post a pic!). There are, believe it or not, more than 1300 titles in the series, spanning centuries and continents. So, I have a small, but growing, co...
A young man, Chad, has been traveling Europe ending up in Paris, France. His family wants him home to the States as they fear France has corrupted him. As you see above the rating for this is a one star and a DNF(Did Not Finish). This is a first for me. I really tried to get into The Ambassador...
I figured the rest of my Dickens reading would be a consistent 2 stars, but I blanked out after about two chapters and just kept turning pages. I probably wouldn't even know the basic story if I didn't read the wikipedia plot summary.
4.5Book 4, chapter 13 "Showing how the golden dustman helped to scatter dust" was very disappointing and I don't know what circumstances made Dickens to write it. Whatever it was he was not able to change previous chapters as they were already published and when he made his mind to change something ...
This book has some interesting things going on it, but I found it difficult going. The main thing that comes to mind is the way it jumps around, introducing new characters and changing scene quite often. I certainly don't object to that as a technique in general but in this case I was finding it d...