Just in time for Poetry Month, I finished my leisurely reading (pace-wise, not in terms of attention) of Adrienne Rich's career-spanning Selected Poems. I have my favorites (particularly around the middle years), but there's nothing to dislike or be less impressed by. I admire writers whose style tr...
Rich, who died in March, described herself as "a poet who knows the social power of poetry," and in these essays she explores the alchemy of "the possibilities that exist between two people, or among a group of people. They are the most interesting thing in life."I agree with that, and for years hav...
Rich is one of my favorite poets, and there are few words to describe how beautiful and thoughtful these poems are. This slim volume is divided into three sections, "Power," "Twenty-One Love Poems," and "Not Somewhere Else, But Here." This is one of her later collections, written after receiving the...
Rich's poetry contains many powerful images but it doesn't really flow together for me. Most of the poems seem to be image after image after image. Each one is interesting and vividly described but I need more of a connector or it just feels like a string of metaphors.
Personal favorites: "Transcendental Etude," and "Twenty-one Love Poems"
Rereading this before getting to [b:Tonight No Poetry Will Serve|8431208|Tonight No Poetry Will Serve Poems 2007-2010|Adrienne Rich|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41CWDm3aWxL._SL75_.jpg|13294582]. One of my favorites of her recent collections. Title poem.