by Kelly Williams Brown
More like 3.5 stars. I wish someone would have given this book to me ten years ago. Alas, some of the advice will better suit a different (see: younger) reader, but overall it was very good.
3 starsRead this because the title was interesting enough.
3 starsRead this because the title was interesting enough.
I have mixed feelings on this book. I wanted to love it, but mostly I just kept wishing it was written by Captain Awkward. (Sidenote: WHY HASN'T CAPTAIN AWKWARD WRITTEN A BOOK YET.) I've learned more about being an adult from that blog than from anything in this book.I was actually enjoying this boo...
My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin: is a must-read for anyone in their twenties! Author Kelly Williams Brown has penned an incredibly helpful how-to geared toward twenty-somethings who may be grown up bu...