by Anna Todd
I just realized that I had not done a review of this book yet. I listened to this on audio book and read the last few pages on my kindle. I considered giving up on this book multiple times, but I kind of wanted to know what was going to happen. This is the main thing I like about this book: the stor...
3.7ish, maybe? Review up later. I NEED TO VENT.
How is this even a thing? I'm not against fanfiction in general nor against 1D fanfic in particular, and I have no opinion one way or another in regard to P2P but this... this I'm against. Published RPF blatantly referring to Harry Styles, with its own merch - this is messed up. I don't get it. HOW ...
Omg. This is book is so amazing. This is probably the 5th time I've read it and it has me on edge every time. I need to get the sequel...for the fifth time
Mas de 500 paginas desperdiciadas en: un tira y afloja constante; en 20 mil detalles innecesarios; una trama basada en 50% abusos e insultos y 50% sexo. En si, el "libro" te puede llegar a atrapar (como lo hizo conmigo), sin embargo, deja mucho que desear a nivel literario. Y tambien creo que da u...
Ho sentito tantissimo parlare di questa fan fiction (ora diventata un libro o meglio l'ennesima trilogia... il mondo sarà conquistato dalle trilogie... arrendetevi tutti!), le Directioner di tutto il mondo l'hanno osannata per poi criticarla aspramente una volta pubblicata (w la coerenza!!) ed è pro...
‘The problem is that I can’t stay away from Hardin. I am a moth to his flame, and he never hesitates to burn me.’ Wow. New Adult books are known for generating a multitude of reactions out of readers, but this one seems to be drawing the same conclusion across the board from what I’ve seen online, ...