by Jill Shalvis
This was a pretty good book, Dax and Amber met in a very unconventional way, the result of which was a quick round of hot sex because they thought they were going to die, they did not. A year later they run into each other at the hospital and he finds out they have a 'souvenir' from their near death...
Amber Riggs is a horrible, horrible person.I got a good ways through this book and I want to punch myself in the face for putting myself through that. I was hoping she would redeem herself, but 60% of the way through, we hadn't had a single character development aside from pregnancy. And I don't rea...
3.5 stars Cute and refreshing to see a new plot from her. I could've done without the heavy sap at the end, but overall I really enjoyed this one.
Enjoyable story with a fun plot and such a loveable hero. I don't know how she could resist him so long. I always like it when the male pursues female. Realtor Amber is investigating an old house and when fire inspector Dax goes to check on her they are caught in an earthquake.
Really sweet. The H&h totally real. I understood why Amber was reluctant to trust Dax.
I love this book. I can't even tell you why, since it's a pretty standard secret baby story. Something about it just sparkles for me.
2.5 starsThis was just okay. I would have enjoyed it more if the heroine Amber hadn't been such a one-dimensional character. Given her complete lack of friends and family, I found it hard to believe she could have a successful real estate career. That career demands social contacts and networking an...