Against All Things Ending (Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant)
9780575083424 (0575083425)
Edition language: English
Series: The Last Chronicles of Thomas Covenant (#3)
First things first - because I bought Against All Things Ending essentially sight unseen, I assumed throughout that it was the final book in this nine book series. Turns out there are ten, so all my wondering about 'how can he possibly tie all this up in time?" was premature. He didn't.Against is ef...
I wholeheartedly agree with another reviewer here on GoodReads: Will someone pleaaaaase take the thesaurus away from mr. Donaldson!I'm good at reading english, even if my active producing of this language is plain horrible. My vocabulary is very large and divers for a non-native speaker. But these b...
Let’s start off with my recommendation anent Against All Things Ending: If you have read Stephen R. Donaldson and loathe him (and there are a few) then this book will not cure you of that malady. In fact it will probably solidify your animus against the author. If you’ve never read Donaldson but hav...
Another wonderful book in the continuing saga of Thomas Covenant. Its amazing to think that this series has been going so long. In this book the end is in sight at last, things are beginning to be resolved. If you have enjoyed the other books in the series you will certainly enjoy these.