by Kat Martin
Title: Against The Sky (The Brodies of Alaska #2)Author: Kat MartinNarrators: Jack GarrettPublisher/Date: Recorded Books February 23, 2015Format Listened to: Audio CD For detective Nick Brodie, that means keeping the perps off the streets of Anchorage 24/7. Nick has never backed down from danger, ...
Nick lives in Alaska where was a homicide detective but he quit his job. He was tired of seeing so much that he had nightmares at night. Jimmy Evans is a 12 year old and Nick's neighbor. His father just died and his mother died when he was 6 in a car accident. He has no siblings. Nick met Jimmy one ...
****Full Review**** I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.After wrapping up an especially horrific case Nick decides to retire as a police detective and find a job that doesn't leave him with ni...