An intriguing story about Eddie Chapman, a British criminal turned Nazi spy, turned British double-agent (which explains his codename, Zigzag). The writing, while not stellar, is solid, providing a detailed account of his exploits. I find Eddie's life to be extremely interesting, and yet, at the end...
15/10 - A fascinating tale of British and German espionage during WWII. The quote from John Le Carre on the front cover, describing the book as"Superb. Meticulously researched, splendidly told, immensely entertaining and often very moving."is absolutely correct. I did find the story 'moving', but mo...
I wish like hell there had been no war—I begin to wish I had never started this affair. To spy and cheat on one's friends it's not nice it's dirty. However, I started this affair and I will finish it. I haven't read a book by Ben Macintyre that I didn't enjoy. When I picked this out of my tbr jar I...
If you're looking for an even-handed recounting and reflections on this book, you should probably check out Jeffrey Keeten's stellar review (it has lots of pictures and everything). However, if you're looking for my favorite moments of skullduggery (along with the occasional pop culture parallel), t...
If you're looking for an even-handed recounting and reflections on this book, you should probably check out Jeffrey Keeten's stellar review (it has lots of pictures and everything). However, if you're looking for my favorite moments of skullduggery(along with the occasional pop culture parallel), th...
”War was coming, everyone said so, but the dining room of the Hotel de la Plage was a place of pure peace that sunny Sunday. Beyond the golden beach, the waves flickered among a scatter of tiny islands, as Eddie and Betty ate trifle off plates with smart blue crests. Eddie was halfway through tellin...
This is the remarkable story of Second World War double agent Eddie Chapman. Along the way Eddie meets an extraordinary cast of characters. Here's a couple of examples:Maskelyne who was Britain's official illusionist (and a master-illusionist at that) who came from a long line of magicians, alchemi...
An astonishing true story about Eddie Chapman, a world war II double agent. Whilst in Jersey, ended up robbing a person called Frank Le Quesne, possibly a relative of my wife, but we're not sure.
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